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San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge Over and Under

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 5.242 mi


 63.60 Watt(s)



 108 ft

 Marshlands Rd, Fremont, CA 94555, USA

 808 Marshlands Rd, Fremont, CA 94555, USA


The Dumbarton bridge is located at the bottom of the San Francisco bay and connects Menlo Park to Fremont. On this ride, you will first ride over the Dumbarton bridge itself, up to its highest point, so about half way, and then come back down. After coming down the bridge, you will explore the wetlands towards the old Dumbarton Rail Bridge and Dumbarton Point. Finally you will ride on the Dumbarton Pier, which is a well known fishing spot. One of the fishermen told me he just caught a shark, probably a small sand shark. You'll probably hear him if you have the sound on.



Dumbarton Sprint (Westbound)
 1459 yd
  92 ft
kinomap 排行
Pos. 用户名 Chrono Date
1 00:12:36 3/21/2021
2 00:12:50 11/20/2020
3 00:13:37 11/20/2020
4 00:13:53 11/1/2020
5 00:13:55 11/1/2020


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